Marvel Zombies: Jessica Jones and Callisto

Marvel Zombies: Jessica Jones and Callisto

Another pair of models from the Marvel Zombies Kickstarter haul today. We have Jessica Jones from the Defenders, also known from the Netflix series (that I haven’t yet watched) and Callisto from the X-Men rogues gallery. Jessica is a hero-suvivor with no Zombie counterpart, and Callisto is a “Bystander”, so effectively a hybrid of an NPC and a piece of gear – in her case, allowing her rescurer to ignore the usual targeting priority rules. I know very little about Jessica, except that she’s really tough and/or strong because… reasons? Like a female Luke Cage? I could look it up, I guess, or watch the show. Probably easier to let Faust and Kuribo weigh in with their knowlege of both characters instead! 😀

Marvel Zombies: Jessica Jones and Callisto

Callisto I know only a little more about. I’ve read some X-Men comics with her in them in the past and I do recall that she’s the leader of the Morlocks, a group of originally-named (mutants?) who live underground. I seem to feel like she’s a frenemy of the X-Men – but I guess that applies to pretty much everyone who they’re crossed paths with over the years, from Magneto, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, White Queen, Sabretooth…. have any of their mortal enemies also not been members of the various X-clans?

Painting this pair was pretty straightforward, though Jessica’s over-involved base made her take longer than she really should have. I think she’s also standing over a grate that is trying to do a Marilyn Monroe with her leather jacket, which I lined with red to add a little colour to what would have otherwise been quite a drab figure. She certainly kicks arse in the game, though!

Zombicide Toxic City Mall Expansion: Toxic Walkers Pt.3

Zombicide Toxic City Mall Expansion: Toxic Walkers

Another batch of Toxic Zombies from Zombicide today. The last of the female sculpts, and not what I’d call my favourite of them – but they’ll do as fodder for the boardgame table.

Zombicide Toxic City Mall Expansion: Toxic Walkers Zombicide Toxic City Mall Expansion: Toxic Walkers

If the last set was supposed to be Zombie Strippers or Zombie Streetwalkers – or (as suggested in the comments) Zombie Nightclubbers, and I dubbed the first batch to be Zombie Karens, these ones are “Toxic Femininity” with their cutoff jeans in a Daisy Duke style, string bikini tops and long sports socks and runners. They kind of remind me of some of the Zombies on the Sunset Strip in the Teaser trailer for Dead Island 2.

Zombicide Toxic City Mall Expansion: Toxic Walkers Zombicide Toxic City Mall Expansion: Toxic Walkers

Either way, it’s a weird clothing combo – and again I scratch my head at the weird French guys who think Sexy Zombies should be a thing – but at least all the green skin showing makes them easy to spot on the table as the Toxic type. This leaves me with only(!) 36 more Toxic Walkers to go, and at that point all of my Toxic Zombies will be painted. I’m already working on the next batch! Not because I’m enjoying them, but because I want them to be over and done with – and there’s only one way to get there…