Enterbay RM-4 (Not-)Jason Bourne. Part 2: Finished!

Well, it took a fair bit longer than I had hoped, but here’s the completed update of the completed RM-4 Jason Bourne figure from a few posts ago. The vinegar did it’s work (I hope). I rinsed it out and dried his clothes again. Found him a backpack and a gun, then I dressed my little mandollie, and sourced some fishing weights for his backpack, to give it a decent “hang”.

Enterbay Matt Damon as Jason Bourne. Flanked by my Michael Caine “Zulu” figure by DiD and Hot Toys Perseus.

A different angle. In the background is my kitbash of Joseph Fiennes’ character from Enemy at the Gates. More on that in another post.

A closer shot showing off the face.

An outdoor shot.

Another outdoor shot.

And my final shot, as the light faded…

I’m pretty happy with how this simple kitbash came out. I’m quite looking forward to using the other two of these RM-4 bodies to put together the two main outfits Matt Damon wore in Green Zone.

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